Servant leadership takes spiritual maturity for leadership assertiveness. Jacob was ninety-seven years old when he finally recognised the truth that spiritual maturity takes a lifetime encounter. What? But only after the Angel of the Lord had dislocated his hip joint! Only after a lifetime of trying to do it himself did Jacob cease his struggle. And until Jacob ‘slept with his fathers’, his expensive limp was an ever-present reminder in his flesh. Jacob found no shortcuts to maturity, no shortcuts to sanctification. Sanctification remains the Holy Ghost’s technique for believers’ lifetime learning to trust God. The Scripture tells us that spiritual maturity is not an instant state. What the experience of countless saints indicates is that they thought it was until, like Jacob, they too were brought to an end of themselves, until they too reassessed their walk with God and became as little children. You must stop to remain in yourself and become a child of God, and learn to trust God daily for you to attain spiritual maturity. Many saints of the past have found no shortcuts to sanctification, which is a lifetime process of learning to trust God. There are no shortcuts to blessing, for it is all about a lifetime, making you to the image of Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Ghost. That’s it!!!