n Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus touches on the complete body of spiritual knowledge in Christian ethics! The Scriptures furnish six out of the list of the seven corporal works of mercy in Christian ethics (v35), the seventh being found in the care and nurture of the fatherless. Just at the point when somebody strips another of their garments, they are known as cheaters/thieves. Ought not somebody who can dress the bare yet doesn’t do as such be understood as something similar? The bread in your larder has a place with the hungry. The shroud in your closet has a position with the bare. The shoes you permit to decay have a home with the shoeless. The cash in your vaults has a place with the bleak. You do treachery to every individual who you could help; however, don’t! Give to those who are in need, and you will fulfil the ethics of helping others!!! That’s it!!!

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