This Is Your Time Of Delivery
"Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?" says the Lord. "Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?" says your God. (Isaiah 66:9)
You might have suffered many untold hardships in the past, yet you were not swallowed by them. May be you have undergone many embarrassing situations to the extent that you have become the laughing stock of friends and neighbours, yet you are still around to keep on keeping on. You have passed through the waters of life, yet they did not overflow you. You passed through the fire of life, yet you were not consumed. The only reason for this is because God has been sustaining you.
God has brought you this far for a purpose. He cannot bring you this far without any reason. He said, "Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery?" Your season of pains and labour are over. The Lord who sustained you up to this moment is ready to cause delivery in your life. Nobody can stop whatever God has purposed to do. It is too late for anybody to convince God to abandon you. He could have abandoned you long ago, but because he has a plan for your life, he has brought you this far.
What this means is that now is your season; your past labour and pains will begin to yield fruit. This year is your time and point of birth and you are bound to deliver. God says he will cause you to deliver. He reassured us with all emphasis that, "Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?" The womb here represents doors and windows of opportunities and blessings. What this implies is that every shut door of blessing will be opened by God. If God says He cannot shut those doors and windows, nobody can shut them.
A word of prophecy
I prophesy that this year is your year of delivery. It is a year of delivery in your ministry. It is a year of delivery in your marriage. It is a year of delivery in your business. It is a year of delivery in your reproductive organs. I am confident that this message of prophesy will come to greater fulfilment in your life and you will give your testimony in the congregation of God’s people.
A word of prayer
Jehovah our deliverer will work for you this year. He will accomplish what he has promised you and you will thrive in his glory in Jesus Name Amen.