Prayer, a Relationship with God.

Prayer, a Relationship with God.

     When we come to the Lord, we must walk with him (1John 1:7).When we have fellowship with him we are in the light because we can see ourselves in christ and we know who we are in him (1Pet.2:9). We must see ourselves the way God sees us.When we do, we will do the things God expects from us. Prayer is very vital to the christian life. Its the source of our christian faith.We need to pray so that we can become alive in christ. Without prayer our walk with God is lifeless.Nobody has friends without communicating with them. Prayer is a response to God’s words that we should" ask, and it shall be given you (Matt.7:7)."We must never let one day go by without praying to the Lord.

Prayer is very important, through prayer we communicate with our heavenly Father.It is the source of our spiritual life though we may not know how to pray sometimes but the Spirit helps our infirmities by helping us to pray according to the will, plan and purpose of God(Rom.8:26). The Spirit helps us to intercede during prayer and helps us to make intercession for the saints of God according to the will of God.

We must as children of God pray fervently to be able to stand and to be able to intercede for the saints as well.


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