Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” (Exodus 14:15).

1. I declare that you receive anointing and faith to move forward daily in life. All your blessings imprisoned by the power of darkness and grave shall come forth to you in double portion. Every past and present blessing of yours shall come to you unhindered. Amen.

2. I declare God’s Hand of blessings upon you and your family. Jesus’ Ressurected Hand to release to you now all your blessings from the hands of your dead relatives. There shall be divine withdrawal now, as I declare that all your blessings from the hands of all inaccessible relatives shall come to you now double portion. Amen.

3. I declare that there shall be no witchcraft burial. I disgrace every witchcraft attempt and burial to draw you back in life. For there shall be no enchantment against you, no divination against you and your family; yes, as for you and your home, there shall be no divination against you, no evil omens against you and your family. Just as the grave could not detain Jesus Christ, no power will detain your harvest of miracles. Amen

*According to God’s Word for us in Exodus 14:15-16 and Exodus 14:21-22, I now proclaim upon you and your family as follows:*

4. Now will pass anything that stands in your way of greatness. Now will be the time to end any ground-based attacks against you. Anything representing your image in the spirit world shall dissolve and return to hades now. You will receive sweet assistance and victory, and every unfriendly friend will be exposed. Amen.

5. Your adversaries’ camps will all receive and become confused. You will be granted grace and given life-enhancing authority from God over every demon. In every aspect of your life, the seemingly impossible will gradually start to become possible for you. Amen.

6. You will be guided by God to the destination He intends for you. He will open a door for you in places where there is none. You will be empowered by God to achieve fulfilment, success, and prosperity in life. I declare that supernatural wisdom will respond to all inquiries in a manner that will help your cause. Amen.

7. You will be forgiven by God for having doubts from time to time. Your patrons will no longer be manipulated by any spirit. Your name will be removed from the list of people who only see good without experiencing it by the Holy Spirit. I declare that the cloud that was obstructing the light of your glory and triumph will dissipate. Amen.

8. Every day, you’ll start to see wonderful changes. In every aspect of your life, you will receive an anointing to reject every spirit of the tail. All of the people who will decide your advancement will favour you. You will surpass all rivals for divine substitutions shall be forever in your favour. Amen.

9. You will be scheduled to reject the spirit of the tail and claim the spirit of the head. God’s wind of glory will blow away any negative records that were written to hinder your progress. God will move, get rid of, or change all people who want to stop your progress. Amen.

10. Your way to the top will be made easier by God’s Hand of grace, kindness, and favour. You will be given the gift of standing out from your peers. As He did for Daniel in the land of Babylon, the Lord Almighty will launch you into greatness. You can expect a miracle harvest right now. You will always feel God’s mercy. Amen.



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