According to 1 Samuel 23:14, Ziph was a town with a dramatically diverse landscape below the Dead Sea’s southern tip. It wasn’t easy or comfortable to be there. David was guided and protected by God, but it wasn’t easy or comfortable. God’s work in David’s life took place at this crucial time. In the shepherd’s field, he became a man after God’s heart, but in the wilderness, he became a king. Every day, Saul sought him out: David was relentlessly pursued by Saul, a determined foe. Saul ignored the work that God had called him to do because he was so preoccupied with killing David. However, God did not hand him over to him: Saul can be as determined as he wants, but God decides these things, not Saul. Even though evil can be planned, attempted, and carried out by man, God remains in control. Your life is under God’s authority. A determined foe can’t find you. That’s it!!!