Friend, it’s not past the point of no return. In Joel 2:25, the Israelites had planted and worked over their yields. However, for quite a long time, at reap time, multitudes of grasshoppers came in, similar to a strong-armed force, and gobbled up every one of the harvests. The good news came, I quote: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” (Joel 2:25, NKJV). We have all experienced times in our lives when we felt like we had lost time. It could be the years spent battling illness or addiction or the years spent in a relationship that didn’t work out. Or it could be the years in which we allowed opposition and fear to prevent us from pursuing our goals. We might not have been brought up in a healthy home, and it might feel like we have lost our childhood and will never be able to get it back. However, God promises to bring those years back to you. That’s it!!!

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