Have you not heard that if you spend your time on those who hurt you, when will you think of those who send your blessings daily? They may be few and silent, but people are sending you prayers. Everything might be sour at times. Life might send you curves and imaginable confusion, but I know people who are anchored to bitterness get deeper into fear and further resentment. They are so focused on who hurt them and what was not fair that odour has infected their lives. You can become anchored to self-pity and go around with a crack on your shoulder, always thinking about how unfair life has been. Being arrived at any of those things will keep you from your glorious manifestation. Make a shift by seeking the blessed; It’s time to cut tie with the anchor of disappointment, sorrow, fear and deep bitterness, but you must come over into hope, faith and love – seeking those who are blessings to you. That’s it!!!