Here it is: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23, ESV). Friend, your time to testify is now! The Scripture says, “Hold fast the confession of your faith.” You have to hold fast to what God put in your heart. There are forces constantly trying to convince us that what God said is never going to happen. “It’s been too long. There’s no sign of it. Just accept that it’s not going to work out.” Don’t believe those lies. In the unseen realm things have already changed in your favour. Yes, our Father in the highest heaven is pulling away, crushing down all the enemy. No enemy can succeed in pulling away what God has put in our hearts. Friend, I say to you, hold fast to your confession. Keep thanking God for such a moment you can demonstrate that you are holding fast! It is a moment to keep walking in faith, knowing that your miracle is set in motion. Your miracles shall powerfully manifest for all around you to see and praise God in the matchless and mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Your miracle is already in motion. It’s just a matter of time before the manifestation shows up. That’s it!!!

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