Here it is, the life of a Christian is a life full of peace that “surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). Why is peace so comforting in Christians’ life and teaching? Reading Psalm 23 devotionally, you will discover that the Psalm is one of the most touching and moving passages in the Bible. Yes, we find it so comforting because of the picture of peace and comfort it presents. Psalm 23 is from the perspective of a sheep with a loving, kind, watchful shepherd. The sheep knows it’s deeply loved because of the shepherd’s actions. The sheep knows it’s safe because of the constant presence of the shepherd. The sheep aren’t concerned about the future because it knows the shepherd’s care. The Christian life is full of peace which exceeds all understanding. Why? Because of the Saviour — our Good Shepherd (John 10:11–15). That’s it!!!

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