There is the particular secret of believers’ weapons of answered prayers! Yes, believers’ prayers are prayers of divine understanding and selfless receiving of special revelations of answered prayers. It is vital to consider that the great Apostle Paul in Romans 8 mentioned a few significant types of groaning: the groans of creation, groans of the earth and the wordless groans of the Holy Spirit. The groans of creation are due to the anguish of sin, as well as the groaning of the world due to the manifestation of the children of God. It is well known that both one and the other are a representation that is linked to the ministry of the Holy Spirit of God (Romans 8:22-23). Yes, the Holy Spirit groans so that believers’ prayers cannot fail. The Holy Ghost groans to guarantee answered prayers! There are secrets to answered prayers, my friend. The apostle Paul in this same letter gives us the answer as to why the Holy Spirit groans, and it is because he says that we do not know “what we ought to pray for”; therefore, He acts as an intermediary before the Father for our requests. Holy Spirit is the He who presents before God adequately, what we do not know how to express; He also says that he is the one who helps us in our weakness. Therefore, even if we do not know well what to ask for, the Holy Spirit does and perfect the job and asks God for wholly good for us. God will never ignore the wordless groans of His Spirit. That’s it!!!

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