Have you taken the time to reflect on Psalm 103:4. Surely, “He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.” What an assurance of God’s love and tender mercies towards us! Put it this way, you may have made a lot of mistakes, but the good news is, you don’t have to carry that around with you. Do you feel like there’s something between you and God right now? Come to His throne of grace and receive His love and tender mercies. Ask for His forgiveness for every failure. Don’t carry around yesterday’s mistakes any longer. Let God refreshes and restores your soul right now. God put His Crown of love and tender mercies on us. Psalm 103:4 is a Scriptural Authority about the tender mercies of God—not “mercy” but “mercies.” Again and again, God shows you mercy. His mercies are new and available to you each morning, I mean, daily! That’s it!!!