Christians, have you not heard that the primary requisite for success is for you to do what you can, but success depends on God, and He will bring you success? Being successful in life is a function of two things for a Christian: giving your best and relying totally on God for the success to come from Him! Ever since the beginning of the Church, either if you take the view that she started in the Garden of Eden or on the Day of Pentecost, the emphasis is centrally on attaining the best – giving your best, for your best is one of the essential requisites to be successful in this journey. For example, our first father, Adam, was granted every opportunity to give his best to whatever situation in the Garden and trust God absolutely that his success in the Garden depends on God, for he was an ordinary tenant in the Garden. Also, in the New Testament, for example, to be successful with Baptism, Christians must see the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the best, though John Baptism is essential. Still, Holy Spirit Baptism is available as the added extra. Christians are the people of best, called and made by the Best for achieving the best. Always give your best, and trust God absolutely that your success depends on Him, and He shall indeed bring you success. Remember, “Even if your army has horses ready for battle, the LORD will always win.” (Proverbs 21:31, CEV). That’s it!!!

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