Have you not heard that when you face adversity, it is when you renew your invitation to God to come into your life again? Does the arrival of adversity mean God has left you? I say no, but your prayers must be organically led by the Holy Spirit. The groaning of the Holy Spirit shall enlighten your mind to seek God effectively. Yes, your specific prayer should start with, God, come into this situation, this hospital room, this financial difficulties situation, come into this troubled relationship, come into this anxiety space. Your prayers become more powerful than just going for lack of divine conscious petition like God bring me out of this situation now. When you invite God to the situation first, He comes in and gives you favour despite who’s trying to push you down. But, when you start with “God, get me out of this”, yes, there’s nothing wrong with that prayer, but before you get out, you have to invite God in. Sometimes the miracle is what God wants to do in you with that situation. He comes in and gives you the power you can’t justify. He comes in and gives you the grace to survive the challenge and come out far better than before. Yes, “When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you, and you won’t drown. When you walk through the fire, you won’t be burned or scorched by the flames.” (Isaiah 43:2, CEV). The Authority of God says that although adversities will come, He will be with you in them. Are you trying to get out of the fire God will take you through? Are you fighting the fire, gaping why it happened? Everything will change if you start bringing on God. He promised He’ll be with you; maybe He’s just waiting for your invitation. Invite God again today. That’s it!!!

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