Have not heard the Scripture that says: “Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled, and your joy goes on forever.”(Isaiah 61:7, MSG)? Yes, getting a single dose of particular trouble could lead to the end for many, but for you, things are different! Yes, you may be in a difficult time that has left you feeling beat up, worn and tired. You feel as though something’s been taken out of you that can’t be replaced. Or have you lost the spring in your step? Get ready, for God is about to breathe new life into your spirit. He’s going to restore you, renew your strength and regain your innocence like an eagle’s. What that challenge took out, God is about to put back for you in sound health, strength, freshness, passion, and vitality. He will replace those challenges with new opportunities and bring to you further new opening doors and heavens, good breaks, the right people, and favour that considerably lift you ahead. That’s it!!!