Have you not heard that many things made you unique in every way? Spiritual intelligence will always help you not limit yourself by what appears ordinary in your life. When you live faithfully to God every day of your walking with Him, God will prepare you for the extraordinary. Yes, those things may appear routinely repetitive; hidden therein is power for achieving great things. When you are limited to your blogging scope of those ordinary things that are happening around you, then the outcome is too limited. Weekly days could naturally repeat themselves and structure themselves as you see each day; therein are extraordinary achievements, extraordinary multiple times. Try not to be deceived into remaining ordinary with the simple routine of those ordinances. What lies hidden in them are significant accomplishments. Yes, try not to be restricted by what seems standard in your life. God lifted you long ago above those standards, above those ordinary. What are hidden in your ordinarily are the extraordinarily? In Christ Jesus, you are called to achieve the extraordinary through those everyday things around you. At the point when you depend absolutely on God’s lifting of your head, you see those extraordinary manifesting. God will set you up for the exceptional. That’s it!!!