Have you not heard that what brings about and shape reality is the supernatural? Some might not be interested in speaking and sharing their lives with the application of God’s Words. Years ago, a man attended one of our meetings on the use of creative words; at the end of the teaching, he said: “I’m very interested about what you are saying today, my dear Pastor. You know I come from a class that warns and preaches gloom than encouragement. Thankfully, you are saying words are not natural as they could make or break life!” Yes, God’s Word has creative power. When you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying. Yes, God’s word is supernatural, when we repeat and declare God’s word for our lives we are in alignment. Keep trusting God; He has the ultímate word and plans for you; results may be different than expected. Give God’s Word the opportunity to make you who He made you be! That’s it!!!