Yes, God’s Mercy on us is bigger by far than our mistakes combined infinitely. Are you aware that in Christ Jesus, God will never hold your past against you? Yes, that is the meaning of being forgiven and is what Redemption is all about. Yes, when you know the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 and take a devotional study, you cannot but agree that when he returned home after having wasted his father’s inheritance on wild living and partying, he passionately started pouring out his genuine remorse, but his father wasn’t listening. Yes, his father was not listening to the listed mistakes of his son. Rather, he was calling his staff to kill the fatted calf for a party and declaring, “My son was lost, and now he’s found!” That’s what God’s Mercy keeps doing for us. God always listen to His Voice of Mercy on us and not our mistakes! I declare that God’s Mercy shall continue to work for you always. Amen!!!

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