Yes, I mean, God declare that 2022 is your harvest of answered prayers! You may have your reservations about why a raven should favour Elijah and bring him food twice daily, but no reservation can lower the standard God set to care for His own in a challenging period! I remind you of this: at the point when the three Hebrew young people were thrown into the blazing heater since they wouldn’t bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s brilliant symbol, they were bound with ropes. They ought to have been killed immediately, yet when the king looked into the heater, he saw four unbound men and one who resembled the Son of God. Here is my point: Your options might be limited today—you’ve worked, supplicated variously with prayers in faith, and made the best decision, yet it seems like things are not working for you, and things are never going to work out. Fortunately for you, you have God, whose options are not limited, and He has declared that a great harvest of answered prayers is coming to you. God is not restricted by what’s hindering you. Your harvest is here, my friend. That’s it!!!

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