Yes, this might be out of common sense to many but don’t forget that some callings are effective only during harvesting! Seeing harvesting as investing could be an issue for some narrative of labouring, but when it comes to testimony, you can receive a divine order to harvest where you have not even planted! In John 4:38, Jesus sent the disciples to harvest where they did not plant! However, Matthew 25:24 presents a different scenario; rather than acting in love or diligence, the servant acted out of fear (Matthew 25:25). The master will not find his explanation convincing. The point of this parable is how God expects His people to use the “talents”—skills, money, assets, resources, abilities—which He has given them. Regardless of how much we’ve been given, we’re expected to use those blessings in godly ways faithfully. We are not meant to bury them and do nothing. In harvesting, your calling is to enjoy the ripe at its best, either you planted therein or not, Christ Anointing is upon you to prosper notwithstanding the season, and or whether you grew or not!!! That’s it!!!