If you can carefully discern it, you will agree with me that there is no better time for the breaker anointing than now! I repeat it; we need Jesus in this world now than ever! What is Breaker Anointing? Of course, this is not rebellion anointing that some carry in the Church today! Rebellion anointing is of the Devil! However, when we talk about Breaker Anointing, it is the concept of gaining Jesus Power for end-time Revival to break the rebellion anointing and its associated influence on people, cities, and nations! “The Breaker Anointing” is the ability to call on God to break through any spiritual hindrance, either individually or corporately, that would impede His Kingdom and His purposes for the Church in this age. Jesus is the Breaker who goes before us. Oh yes, Amen! Jesus is the Breaker who goes before us to break every yoke and grant us rest! Hallelujah. That’s it!!!

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