Have you not heard that it is bogus humility to trust ourselves despicable of God’s decency and don’t set out to look to HIM with complete trust? Yes, genuine humbleness lies in seeing our dishonour and surrendering ourselves to God, without any reservation, constantly failing to question that HE can work out the primary outcomes for and in us. If God’s prosperity relies upon discovering our establishments previously laid, we may well dread that our wrongdoings had annihilated our odds. In any case, God needs nothing that is in us. HE discovers nothing there except what HE has given us. Reflect on this: “For who regards you as superior or what sets you apart as special? What do you have that you did not receive [from another]? And if in fact you received it [from God or someone else], why do you boast as if you had not received it [but had gained it by yourself]? (1 Corinthians 4:7, AB).