Now at death the soul, or spirit of man, returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7); which if understood of the souls of humanity in general, it means that at the end they return to God the Judge of all, who passes sentence on them, and orders those that are good to the villas of heaven complete with joy and happiness, and those that are evil to hell and destruction eternally. Meaning, at death, the spirit, or soul of a human, gets back to God; which whenever comprehended of the hearts, by and large, implies that at death they get back to God the Judge of all, who passes sentence on them, and orders those that regard the houses of joy and rejoice, and those that are detestable to damnation and destruction. Yes, that is it: “Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27, BSB).
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