In John 9, 10, Jesus essentially confirmed that HE is the gate, not anyone else. Meaning, HE is the one who decides who comes in and who goes out and who experiences God. Yes, Jesus is the only gate to the true God. In real life, we repeatedly faced with different doors or choices. Some of these may lead to a better life or future, while others can lead to failure, defeat or even death. Attaining to the standard of God requires an entry point fundamentally. There are points to consider here: seeking to enter by other doors instead of Jesus is idolatry. We are not to be impediments to others. Ask yourself, anyways, I am trying to be a door for someone else and blocking their path? The invitation to enter via Jesus is still available to others; tell those who are still looking for a way out of their challenges that Jesus is the only door through which we can enter! That’s it!!!
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