The Scripture in Joel 2:28 provides a great response, and I quote: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” Can you think about any real and earnest offspring of God who has at any point been let down and made to wander off-track just because he or she doesn’t have the endowment of hearing the discernible voice of the Holy Spirit or seeing an extraordinary and astounding disclosure, visions or revelations? The God of Daniel in the Babylonian realm and of John in the Island of Patmos who had the endowment of profound disclosure is additionally the same God of Joseph the child of Jacob in the Old Testament and Joseph the Dad of Jesus in the New Testament who was skilled just with capacity to dream or decipher dreams. What will be significant, in this way, is for the same God to be our God both now and for the afterlife. Also, I say to you, walk with God and have dreams and visions nourished by the Scriptures. That’s it!!!