Yes, things could find their ways upward difficult! Afterwards, the Scripture says; “Although affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground;” (Job 5:6 KJV). Also, “Rain falls on the just and the unjust.” (Matthew 5:45) No one is invulnerable to troubles. “No indeed! We bring trouble on ourselves, as surely as sparks fly up from a fire.” (Job 5:7 GNT). You know what? If you remain in faith, I mean, stay with Jesus; every trouble will turn out to be that setback which is setting you up for God to show out in your life; for Him to do a better thing. As you come to greatness, your personality can make up for lack of understanding, experience, a lack of training, a lack of skill, and the likes. You are coming out of your troubles to greatness. That’s it!!!
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