The hear counsel of Proverbs 19:20 remains a righteous cause, reminding us of obedience to God at all time as we journey to Heaven. Christianity is an everyday walk. The tune “Each Day In turn” depicts it consummately. We are on an excursion to our promised land. We ought to draw nearer every day to be more like Jesus. “Christian” signifies Christ-like. Considering that, we would need to state that there are not many Christians. Proverbs 19:20 is saying that Christians need everyday guidance and infilling to serve the Lord. At the point when you are old, you will be insightful unto salvation; since you have ceaselessly found out increasingly more about God. That is the reason day by day Bible reading and meditation are fundamental. The more you read, the more you are aware of God’s Word, the more consistent you are with walking with God.