Yes, it’s all about what is inside you that will sustain you! Have you ever heard that the spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness? (Proverbs i18:14). Even in sickness? Could there be a link between peace and the working of your immune system? Can peace within help people to heal quickly even after a prolonged infection attacked? I once read that many who laboured long under illness have felt sustained – sometimes miraculously so – by the inner working of peace within them, I mean, by the strength of their spirit. You wonder why Christians tolerate many unbelievable enemies assaults; it can happen only due to the peace of victory within. Yes, Christian standard fortifies characteristic quality. Outward inconveniences are tolerable, frankly, more than endurable, if there is harmony inside, that is the peace within. Remain in Christ Jesus, and you will enjoy this peace eternally within you. That’s it!!!