Why do I need to remind you of right input to trusting God? Is sowing-seeds for everyone? You should recall that without an adequate understanding of harvesting, you will indeed struggle with your knowledge of sowing-seeds! As a lucky-breaks attitude is not scriptural, a gracious approach may take ‘many days’ before you’ll get a return; before you enter your harvest! The sowing-seeds strategy will help you to overcome the get-rich-quick mentality (GRQM). Remember, the GRQM remains unscriptural. Therefore, with sowing seed attitude, you: “Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land” (Ecclesiastes 11:2 NIV). Meaning, if you appropriate links sowing-seeds to Ecclesiastes 11:2, you will therefore enjoy investing and diversify your portfolio to allow for market fluctuations. What a play-it-wise approach to crushing your doubts? With this strategy, you give place to faith to flourish in you. In other words, I’m strongly recommending a faith-driven instead of fear-driven plan. Sowing-seeds enables the faith-driven approach. With this, there is no room for your fear to determine your actions. Faith must always decide on our sowing-seeds steps. Finally, Godly wisdom, plus confidence, is the key to successful investment. Learn to sow seeds in faith. That’s it!!!