The Life

The Life

Jesus said to him, “I am … the life.” (John 14:6) INDEED, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”(John 1:4)

We’ve known Christ Jesus as both the Way and the Truth, in addition, He is the Life- Eternal Life, the Author of Life and the Giver of Life. We almost stagger when we confront this statement by the One who left heaven and the throne of God and came to this earth that He might reveal Himself and receive to Himself those who were to inherit through Him and share with Him this eternal Life. Our short pilgrimage here is an evidence of our shortlisting, and will give way soon. Then our joy shall enter the unending, eternal Life. Praise God!

Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are my Eternal Life through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Give me this life abundantly, even today. Amen.

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