The Departed Glory

The Departed Glory

“What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears?”(1 Samuel 15:14) INDEED, “…you led them into such great sin?”(Ex. 32:21)

The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul because he did not follow out his explicit leading. Saul’s pious protestation to Samuel that he had fulfilled the command of God shows how he tried to deceive himself. The phrase “utterly destroy” comes seven times in this chapter in regard to Amalek. God has made His meaning clear as could be. Saul, however, illustrates how the deceitful heart can argue its way out of the challenge of full obedience. Saul deceived himself into personal and family destruction. He did this first by yielding to his own judgment as to what was good or bad, rather than subjecting it to God’s expressed verdict. Secondly, he did so in offering to put the matter right by making a sacrifice to God. God cannot be bought off in anyway. There is no easy alternative to obedience to God’s words, not even a sacrificial one. To obey is always better. God’s will is God’s way.

The Lord causes my thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and so my plans are established and succeed. My desire for obedience is definite. (Pr. 16:3)
Praise God!

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