Revealing Jesus
“Their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.”(Luke 24:31) INDEED, “When the people recognized Jesus, the news of his arrival spread quickly throughout the whole area, and soon, people were bringing all their sick to be healed.”(Matthew 14:35)
Though a believer’s heart may burn with warm appreciation of the truth about Christ, he may has no inkling of how close and how intimate was such experience of Christ personally. For example, Mary had joyfully announced the resurrection of Jesus to the disciples before they set off on their journey, they completely failed to recognize Jesus when He drew near. Unlike her, however, they found nothing in His voice which enlightened them. The Lord spent further time with the two on path to Emmaus. All of it He occupied in the most profitable exercise of expounding the Scriptures. Yet still they did not know Him, though they must by then have been intellectually convinced that Jesus was the Christ and that He had risen from the dead. There are, however, two kinds of knowledge. One comes from study, the other from an inward seeing, and we need them both. Christianity is built on more than a Book: it is built on the spiritual revelation which comes with that Book. Truly, He is the light to reveal God … (Luke 2:32)
My God makes all grace abound toward me in every favour and earthly blessing, so that I have all sufficiency for all things and abound to every good work. (2 Cor. 9:8)
Praise God!