Our Irrevocable Ministry

Our Irrevocable Ministry

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.”(Eph. 6:18a) THEREFORE, “Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

Believers everywhere are recurrently challenged to take prayer seriously as a job to be done. On a serious note, believers should prepare for themselves a “prayer book”, a book of prayer accounts. New believers usually asked, what should be the standard content of a prayer book? I say, it is usually good we know how many things we have asked of God, how many times God has answered prayers and how many prayers are waiting to be heard. Mature believers always follow a more rigorous attitude of prayer. In either way, major matters of prayers requested by our Lord are;

  • All children of God should pray daily for the people of the world that they may be saved.
  • God’s children should pray for the full restoration of Israel, for they are His chosen people.
  • Believers should ask the Head of the Church to give light, grace and spiritual gifts to His own.
  • Christians ought to pray for their countries, that they may lead a peaceful and right life in all godliness.
  • Daily thanksgiving prayers in full anticipation of the Second Advent of our Redeemer.

Let us never overlook these oft-forgotten prayers. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. (Mark 13:33)
No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. For You have given Your angels charge over me. They keep me in all my ways. In my pathway is abundant life, Abraham’s blessings,healing, and health. (Ps. 91:10,11; Prov. 12:28)
Praise God!

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