Christ Is Joyously For All
“Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare. ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'”(John 7:38) INDEED, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of Salvation.”(Isa. 12:3)
If I am thirsty I can come to the Lord Jesus and drink of Him. But if I meet others in need, I cannot pour out a cupful and hand it to them but can only minister to their need as Christ is a spring of water in me. So I must keep on drinking if the needs of others are to be met through me, Watchman Nee said. Sincerely speaking, the ministry of Christ is opened to us all. The word of Christ, the living water, first enters our hearts and satisfies us. From there it wells up again to spread life around. The trouble is that the Word often ceases to live after it has passed through you and me. For it is not a matter of how many scriptures we can quote to other people; rather is it the outflow from us of Christ indwelling. For this, we must be ever drinking of Him. No thirst will be quenched otherwise. Indeed, Jesus will make His rivers flow on your barren heights, and His springs within your valleys. Jesus will turn your desert into pools of water, and your parches ground into springs. (Isa. 41:18)
I am determined not to forsake the Lord Jesus, and my cisterns shall continue to hold water, and well of Salvation. (Isa. 12:3; Jer. 2:13)
Praise God!