A Stone Cut Without Hands

A Stone Cut Without Hands

“As you looked, a stone was cut out by no human hand, ….”(Daniel 2:34) INDEED, “the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”(35)

Men plan for peace in human governments, build courts of arbitration, conferences of nations, pacts and pledges, only to find them crumbling in utter failure before the human work is half complete. However, the Eternal God is planning a kingdom and government that cannot fail, and He is the King, whose shape and form and size and power are ordered by the Most High God. Christ Jesus will strike in His coming every man-made plan. Are we looking for that “Stone” to come and strike? Shall we be “ready in the day of His power”?

Master stone mason, cut away all that is not pleasing. Build me O Lord Jesus into a living temple with Your power providing my foundation. Amen.
Praise God!

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